Women must assert themselves to realise their entrepreneurial dreams, say experts at CII session
Indian Women Network (IWN) and Young Indians Chandigarh Chapter of Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) organised a session on ‘Empowering Women: I am the Change’. Leading figures from the industry, academia, performing arts, took part in the sessions on women empowerment.
Women entrepreneurship is gaining importance in India in the wake of economic liberalization and globalization. Aimed to boost presence of women in the business field as entrepreneurs experts dealt with the various aspects of a woman’s life such as emotional well being, personal growth, cyber security etc.
Tracing her journey of self-actualization,frombeing a normal housewife and a mother at a young age to a successful industrialist to reckon with in themale-dominated bastion of the steel industry, Ms Kamna Aggarwala, Chairwomen, IWN, CII Northern Region, Director, GDPA Fasteners, said, “It is up to the women of today not to give up on their dreams. While marriage and family responsibilities consumed me as well like any other woman but I stuck to my dream of becoming a successful businesswoman. Women must refer to their dreams and nothing can stop them from realizing them if they want to. The only thing becoming your own person takes is to question the societal conditioning that hinders women from enjoying their life. Instead of passively accepting and toeing the line to do what you are told,women need to question traditional conditioning and blocks to live the life they want.Having fun at whatever you do, will keep you going.”
“Nodding to everything women are asked to do may make everyone happy but leads to a great deal of frustration, negativity and resentment among women.Here,assertiveness to express your feelings and opinions firmly and gently and devoting yourself to learn and grow every day is all that it takes,” she said.“Women entrepreneurship can grow if women stand up for their dreams.Only then can women as a business group can find space in policy formation by governments. With these more women can realise their entrepreneurial dreams to become a force to reckon with,” she added.
At the panel discussion on ‘Make Life a Celebration’, experts drew attention to the importance of celebrating life instead of doing things out of fear.Dr Smriti Bhardwaj, Freelancer & Corporate Trainer, said, “To live a full life women must add experiences to life. Share of your life belongs to you as well. Mediation, reading,pursuing your hobbies, having your ‘me time’ is a must to grow. Having fun in whatever you do is important to live a life honest to yourself.”
Addressing a session on cyber security,Ms Rashmi Sharma Yadav, DSP – Cyber Crime Cell & IT, Chandigarh Police,said, “Tobesecure in the digital space one must tread as carefully.Just as we keep checking our valuables we must frequently check our online details such as email, social media or banking passwords,keep a track of any suspicious banking transactions and be wary of messages which may contain viruses especially from unknown sources.Women must be extra careful while posting pictures online as once posted, the pictures will stay forever. We should avoid using public charging points or wi fi. We must always log out of all accounts on your phones. Use password managers.”
Mr JosephJude, Business Technologist– IT,said, “Use of password managers, licensed anti-virus programe, keeping unique email IDs, care while sharing any data, audit for cyber security, must be made a habit for safety in the cyber world.”