What is the male libido and how to improve it?
Male libido is the term that came to us from psychology. Many people confuse this concept with potency, but in fact, these are different things related to one “common denominator”. Libido implies a sexual attraction to the opposite sex, and potency is a physiological tool that helps this attraction to realize. It often happens that the libido begins to weaken much earlier than the potency. A man does not have a natural desire at the sight of a beautiful woman, which often becomes the cause of depression. Today yourbrides.com will talk about libido in a simple and accessible language, and will also give some recommendations on how to strengthen it.
Male libido
Libido is a point of interest of many representatives of the strong half of humanity. And not in vain. It is responsible for the “male power”. This is the energy that underlies the sexual drive and expression of it during sexual intercourse and before it. Speaking simpler, the libido shows how much a person wants an intimate affinity with the opposite sex and how often this desire can arise. Continuation of the genus and reproductive function directly depend on it.
We need to distinguish two components speaking of libido: psychology and physiology. First, we will deal with the physiological factor. It is determined by the hormonal background and the amount of hormones produced by the body. Testosterone is responsible for sexual attraction to women. There is an incorrect ratio of female and male hormones with its lack, which negatively affects both the libido and potency.
As for the psychological factor, everything is not so simple here. It depends entirely on the mood of the man and his emotional state. For example, the temperament is very important, because it plays one of main roles in generating the desire for intimacy with a woman. There are many factors that can disrupt the harmony: conflict situations at work, in the family, stress, anxiety, insomnia. All this leads to a libido decrease , and as a result, any interest in women disappears in general. After that, a man can face such a problem as erectile dysfunction.
How can I increase my libido?
Low libido is a very common problem. The appearance of an attractive woman provokes a response only in 50% of heterosexual men. The rest of men have either a lower level of attraction, or none at all. Therefore, many doctors began to gradually think about how to increase men’s libido.. And they have made some progress.
Here are a few simple recommendations that will help increase libido:
- Stick to proper nutrition. Do not abuse fried foods and fast food. It is better to completely abandon it for a while
- Increase the level of testosterone in the blood by exercising (it’s time to get a gym membership!)
- Have a rest regularly and qualitatively
- Normalize weight
- Choose drugs with a specialist in sexual dysfunction
If you are married or have a girlfriend, your task is simplified. With the help of your beloved woman, if she is interested in your high libido (run away from her as fast as you can if things are different!), success is guaranteed. Try to touch your girlfriend and talk to her as often as possible. Tell her about your problem in the end. There is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Sooner or later every second man encounters this problem. Explain to your beloved that it is her sexual desire that is the catalyst of your libido. A wise woman will understand that she needs to act immediately, otherwise you will find a “catalyst” among her cute friends or in your favorite bar.