ABS launches Sexcel™ Sexed Genetics in India  

Problem of stray cows / bulls would also be addressed with usage of this technology



 “This is an exciting and historic moment for ABS India and its customers,” said Arvind Gautam, Managing Director – ABS India on the occasion of the launch at Chandigarh Press Club. “ABS SexcelTM gives farmers a new option for achieving their desired genetic blueprint and will help them profit through genetic progress. We have a unique product, and trial results show it is a very effective sexed offering for our customers. For the first time, Sexed semen of Indigenous cattle breeds like Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Gir and Murrah buffaloes is available in India.”

 ABS launches Sexcel™ Sexed Genetics in India

Dr. Rahul Gupta, Head, Production-Genus ABS India, added, “With the availability of ABS SexcelTM Sexed genetics, Indian dairy farmers may now breed their cows with the sexed genetics specifically designed to produce more female cows using this new IntelliGen™ technology. Genus IntelliGen™ technology produces female sexed semen through a new, cutting edge, laser-kill technology.”

Mr. Vishvas Chitale, Director, Chitale Genus ABS India Pvt. Ltd,, said, “While frozen sexed semen has been traditionally available only through import, that too, under restrictive trade terms, it involves approvals from multiple state and central agencies, and thus, remains virtually unobtainable, save, for all those with leisure of time and money. Indian farmers have been waiting for locally sourced sexed semen for long. We are glad to be able to extend SexcelTM benefits to thousands of farmers associated with Chitale dairy and get more milk for our customers. ”

“Our research has shown that our customers are seeking a stronger line-up of sexed genetics and SexcelTM brings that to the marketplace,” said Arvind Gautam. “Our ground-breaking technology helps farmers fast forward their genetic progress. It enables their elite heifers to produce the replacement animals they want, while also providing farmers a choice of sexed genetics tailored to their specific needs.”


 To find out more about Sexcel, go to www.abssexcel.com





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