Chandigarh Housing Board had allowed Need Based Changes in Dwelling Units constructed

Chandigarh Housing Board had allowed Need Based Changes in Dwelling Units constructed by CHB, through various CHB orders issued in piecemeal. The CHB vide circular No.342 dated 26.12.2017 had also allowed interim relief for building violations subject to payment  of annual penal charges of Rs.100/- per Sq.ft which were subsequently reduced to Rs.25/- to 45/- per Sq. Ft. for different categories of DUs where such charges were deposited upto 15.04.2018.
Subsequently, many representations were received in CHB from various RWAs to reduce penal charges and to make it one time measure rather than imposing annual fee and for allowing additional Need Based Changes. The matter was considered by the CHB in its 410th meeting held on 17.04.2018 and Board decided to constitute a committee under the Chairmanship of Secretary, CHB (with a representative of CHB allottees) to study and recommend the allowable Need based changes in a comprehensive manner. The scope of the committee is to study need based changes in a broader aspect to cover all type of violations so as to give maximum  relief  to the allottees.
The committee has already started working in this direction and is likely to submit its report  shortly . Based upon the recommendations of the committee a comprehensive policy shall be formulated on Need Based Changes by allowing one time relief in respect of the violations done by the CHB allottees. It has also been decided that no fresh notices for the old violations will be issued and status quo will be maintained till a final decision is taken in this regard. Further, it was decided to withdraw the previous circulars issued in piecemeal in respect of Need Based Changes so as to frame a comprehensive policy for allowing need based changes keeping in view the demands of the allottees. It is further clarified that withdrawal of these circulars/notifications is not from retrospective effect and under the forthcoming comprehensive policy, allottees will further get additional benefits.


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