Maharishi Dayanand Public School organized Debate   


Maharishi Dayanand Public School organized Debate                                       

 Maharishi Dayanand Public School organized Debate in collaboration with Chandigarh Renewal Energy, Science and Technology Promotion Society (CREST), Chandigarh. Students told that Science and technology has the potential to solve problems and challenges. But this potential is not being explored.

Maharishi Dayanand Public School organized Debate   

They told that problems pertaining to pollution, environmental degradation, etc. can be solved through science. All the cities of the world can be converted into smart cities with the help of science.

All the vehicles that emit toxic gases can be converted into zero emission. The sewage, garbage, effluents, toxic fumes coming out of chimneys can be turned into non-polluting substances with the help of science.


It can help any nation to develop faster and safer. Science  and technology should be used to improve agriculture, horticulture, pollution control, power generation, education, defence sector, space exploration, etc. We must use science to overcome problems.

Maharishi Dayanand Public School organized Debate   

Dhruvash, Neeraj and Mehak bagged first, second and third prize respectively. Principal Vinod Kumar gave away prizes to the winners. He told that the main aim of this competition was to create awareness of importance of science and its uses in life.Maharishi Dayanand Public School organized Debate


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