NISA raised objections on Proposed Education Policy of Centre Govt

NISA raised objections on Proposed Education Policy of Centre Govt.

Time line for seeking suggestions/reviews to be increased by two months: Kulbhushan Sharma

No proposal for safety concerned of Teachers and principals.

TET to be mandated before B-Ed.

No provision for private budget schools in new draft.

Private schools of Haryana under the banner of National Independent School Alliance (NISA) has raised voice demanding amendments in the proposed Education Policy 2019 being implemented in the country. National President NISA Sh. Kulbhushan sharma and Chief Secretary Haryana Sh. Baldev Saini while addressing the press interacted with representatives of various private schools and said that the new education policy is being implemented by centre govt. throughout the country. The future of crores of children and schools depends on this policy.

Most of the school managerial staff or principles are on vacations with families. Moreover, merely 30 days has been given by govt. for providing suggestions/ amendments proposals on 648 pages policy which has been formed in three years. As such this time line of 30 days is not sufficient. Hence, minimum two months should be provided to appropriately review and to give suggestions on draft policy.

Kulbhushan sharma said that numerous private budget schools are in operation in state of Haryana. The policy does not depict any provision for these schools. Highlighting the attack on teachers and principle at private schools in Yamunanagar, he said that the new policy has not been formed keeping in mind any kind of safety & security measures for teachers and principles.  Sh. Sharma said that as per policy TET (Teachers Eligibility Test) is being mandated after B-Ed for teachers, which is not justifiable. If govt. wants to retain the recognition of TET, then it should be mandated prior to B-Ed.

HE said that decision for formation of SMC (School Management Committee) in non-aided schools is contrary to the fundamental rights of doing business provided by the Constitution.

NISA raised objections on Proposed Education Policy of Centre Govt.

In the Box:

Proposal and suggestions approved in meeting of NISA:

·         Regulation of all coaching classes throughout the country,

·         Weightage to be given for marks obtained in School boards along with entrance exams of Medical & Engineering.

·         Provide Autonomy to un-aided private schools.

·         The money being provided under RTE, not to be given to schools, rather be directly transferred to the parent’s account through DBT voucher.

·         Proposal should be made raising security concerns of teachers and principals.

·         Applicability of TET before B-Ed.

Provision to be made for private budget schools in new draft


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