WHO declared COVID-19 as Pandemic


WHO declared COVID-19 as Pandemic

World Health Organization (WHO) has recently declared the Novel Corona virus, COVID-19 as Pandemic. Till now it has affected 213 countries/areas/territories, infected 1,696,588 people and caused 1,05,952 deaths. Most severely affected countries are the U.S.A, China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Germany and U.K. Till date in India, it has infected 9152 people including 308 deaths.

In order to contain the spread of the virus, Haryana Government has strengthened

the surveillance and control measures against the disease.
The Detailed Status of Surveillance Activity for COVID-19 as on 13th April, 2020 is given below:
Cumulative number of persons put on surveillance (including contacts) till date 26028
Total number of passengers/ persons who have completed surveillance period

Total no. of passengers/persons who are currently under surveillance 14993
Total number of passengers/persons currently hospitalized/isolated 1038
Total Number of Samples Sent 4322*
Total Number of Samples found Negative 2796
Total Number of Samples – Result Awaited 1344
Total number of samples found positive 182**
Total positive COVID-19 patients discharged till date 34
Total active COVID-19 patients 146
No. of Deaths


* Two samples taken at Delhi.
** In addition to this 14 Italians positive cases were admitted in Medanta Hospital, Gurugram. Out of which
13 have been discharged.
 Till date 182 confirmed cases of COVID-19 has been reported.
 Out of total 182 confirmed cases, 10 are foreign nationals i.e; 6 are from Sri Lanka, 1 each from
Nepal, Thailand, Indonesia & South Africa and 64 are from other States (11 Uttar Pradesh, 10
Himachal Pradesh, 7 Tamilnadu, 4 West Bangal, 5 Kerala, 8 Bihar, 2 Telangana, 2 Andhra Pradesh,
1 Punjab, 1 Karnataka, 1 Chennai, 1 Assam, 2 Madhya Pradesh, 6 Maharashtra and 3 Jammu &
 One death is reported from Ambala, at PGIMER, Chandigarh.

WHO declared COVID-19 as Pandemic

District wise detail is as follows:

State Nodal Officer – IDSP

24×7 State Control Room-nCoV number: 8558893911(Panchkula, Gurugram and Faridabad district)

1075 & 108

MoHFW, GoI 24×7 Control Room Number:

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